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Engineered to optimize your mind and body

Our goal is to bring Floatation Therapy to as many people as possible, in hopes that we will empower everyone to experience an optimized version of themselves, and have a better understanding of how to operate the super computers we call our mind and body.

Private, Spacious Float Rooms

Understanding that you may need something different, depending on what day of the week it is, we offer you (x rooms) roads to balance and harmony with our named rooms.

Each of our float rooms comes with a private suite designed to create a natural environment that lends a hand to your pursuit for health and relaxation. Each suite includes an organic shower – organic shampoos, filtered water and towels washed with organic detergents. As fun as floating is, we’re very serious about you health and ours. Come and feel the difference.

Our Room is ADA accessible.

“It is not enough to build modern factory buildings. The time has come when we must go beyond this and see that the man at work, the man who really makes the factory possible, has ideal living conditions. . . It is mental as well as physical health that must be offered to him”.

Jared Sidney Torrance1921

Why We Exist

This very reason was key in the formation of More Floats. Floatation Therapy is unique in the categories of mind/body medicine, because it addresses both the mind and the body at the same time with unparalleled efficiency. Healers in the ages before modern medicine knew that the body can only be as healthy as the mind will allow it to be. As we see it, the biggest gift we can give ourselves, our communities and society as a whole is the opportunity to regain control over our minds and our health, hence More Floats & all the benefits of Floatation Therapy, most prominently:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Stress reduction
  • Pain relief
  • Therapeutic benefits

Don't wait any longer, experience the benefits of floating for yourself

Our team will be there to answer any further questions and walk you through your first float experience to ensure it exceeds your expectations.

Float Canmore Spa

1002 8 Ave #103
Canmore, Alberta T1W 0C4

T: +1 (403) 678-1207